My Motivation Book 2020

Published edition

My heart work, I feel deeply grateful and am speechless that my "baby" is now in the world. Being written in 2010 it does connect with any time I have experienced so far. Just the other day I thought this book was written just as an answer to me and my friends even though it is from 10 years ago! Now finally published in December 2019 I am happy and proud to announce that the book is available now ONLINE as a paperback and ebook!


Get it today or contact me for a personal reading.

Joy, healing, love and peace! 


"Die Welt und Du. Der Schlüssel in Deiner Hand" by Natalie Mattern.

ISBN: 9781674366289

Personal edition


My motivation

and inspiration

book. Published in 2019.


Here in my hands I am holding my  private and personal edition.

I feel deeply thankful for this accomplished work and all the words that express healing, love and peace.


I offer book readings on a regular basis. Contact me and get an invitation! Get a copy for yourself. See down below.


Summary of my book published in Anthology 2018

The second publication of my book in the anthology 2018 "United #12". Thank you United p.c. for your support.

To all my readers: enjoy reading the summary of my book and discover many other authors and their work.

This anthology is now available in every book store.

Page: 84 - 97. Publisher: United p.c. 

ISBN: 9783710337901

Summary of my book published in Anthology 2012

Read the summary  of my motivation book published in the anthology "Querschnitte Winter 2012".

Anthologies contain poems, narrations and short stories of many talented authors and poets.

I am very proud that my book is a part in this collection.

"Die Welt und Du" by Natalie Mattern.

Page: 101 - 104. Publisher: Novum Pro.

ISBN: 9783990380345

Both anthologies now available in stores and online

Amazon / Ebook / Ebay / Book24

Love Life Art

Do what you love. Follow your heart and you will make it. Your mind and soul are such a beautiful place to create and paint your life with your own colors. Enjoy the flow of process and creativity. Everything you need comes to you naturally. Just make the first step!

Enjoy, live, love, heal and trust your wonderful, unique and absolutely phenomenal being.

You´re ready for anything in you life! 


Male aus dem Herzen heraus. Lasse alle Deine Ideen durch Dich fließen, wie aufs Blatt , so in Dein Leben. Folge Deinem inneren Wesen. Alles Weitere , das Du auf Deinem Weg erfahren oder lernen möchtest, wird zu Dir kommen! Mache einfach den ersten Schritt. Male, lebe, liebe, heile und vertraue Deinem wundervollen, bereits vollkommenen Sein. Folge dem ruhigen oder sprudelnden Fluss in Dir. Du bist soweit! Für alles in Deinem Leben! : )


(C) Natalie Mattern 01.01.2015

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